Day 37, Saturday, Annecy

We walked the 2km from our hotel to central Annecy, along the lake shore.

Temporary sculpture showing outline of the lake and its tributaries. Annecy the town is at the bottom right corner.

Later in the day there were countless boats on the lake, including a large canoe with a drum in the bow, an instructor/helmsman, and about 24 people learning to row in unison. A team building exercise? We spent an hour sitting there just watching.
A brocante was going on in many of the streets in the old centre. Very crowded. Not every holiday destination in France is deserted in September.

We found a patisserie. Anne had a pear and almond tartelette. I had a slice of flan. Breakfast.

I wasn’t really tempted to buy this old motorbike.
Anne bought this asparagus plate. I’m not sure how we managed until now without one.

Later, we found a boulangerie and I had a jambon and fromage sandwich, Anne had a glace. Lunch.

Low flow rate in the canal, the lake’s outlet. The level of the lake is very low.
The water is an interesting blue. Completely clear to look through.

I was thinking of renting a velo and riding around the lake. I missed out five years ago when the cycle rental shop closed on the Tuesday. We found the shop, it was open. The guy was talking in voluble French with a couple, potential customers. I hung around for about 7 minutes without anyone acknowleding my existence. I was prepared to be slighted only so long, and walked out.

As we were leaving the centre on our way back to the hotel we encountered some more stalls. One guy was selling items made from plumbing fittings. We passed, then walked back to buy a candle holder.

I bought this. I don’t know what possessed me. It weighs about 2 kilos. I now have a souvenir of Annecy.
Kids and dogs splashing about in the unusually shallow water.

We dined at the hotel again. Their dining room and food were excellent. Watching a traffic light during the meal, I learned about France’s right turn on red rule.