Day 38, Sunday, Le Bourg D’Oisans

We walked into town again along the lake shore to get some cash and breakfast.

There was a food market today.

We found a Credit Agricole branch with ATMs. Across the street was a patisserie.

Then we returned to the car and set Camille for our hotel in Le Bourg d’Oisans, further into the Alps, checked her planned route, and let her get us out of Annecy. She started well by telling me to turn right against a no right turn sign. The trip was on motorway until the last few km along the valley. Very tricky getting around the outskirts of Grenoble.

Le Bourg d’Oisans. Looking very quiet on the last day of September. Tour de France bunting still up from July.
Our hotel in Bourg. It’s great, with a really large room.

Hard to see here, but some of the 21 switchbacks on the way up to Huez are visible.

I had intended to drive up to Huez after we checked in, but the cloud lowered and it started raining. Maybe tomorrow. Instead, we chatted for an hour with a couple from Geelong in the hotel bar, Monica and Gary. They had just returned from an all day drive of “The Grand Tour of the Cols”, the route I had planned for tomorrow, weather permitting. From Bourg, toward Briancon to the Col du Lauteret, turn left onto a very minor road over the Cols du Galibier, Telegraph. At Saint Jean de Maurienne, turn left on the D926 to the Col de Croix de Fer then return to Bourg.

Nowhere to eat in town except a pizza restaurant, but it was good.