Day 40, Tuesday, Chabrieres

We finally drove up to Huez this morning, with the weather clearing.

Main street of Le Bourg d’Oisans this morning
Mountains look very different to two days before, with fresh snow.
About halfway up to Huez. Alpe de Huez is a separate village.
Village of Alpe D’Huez, higher up, where the skiing is.

Then we set off for Sisteron, setting several waypoints to give Camille no leeway in the route. I should have disabled tollways too. She took us off the D1075 onto the A51 in a roundabout at Pont de Claix. It cost us a couple of euros to get off again.

Saint Michel les Portes, just off the D1075. We followed the D1075 as much as possible to stay off the motorway. Good drive, with most traffic taking the Peage.

We reached Sisteron. Parking the car was a nightmare. We finally found a secluded sauf riverains (residents-only) area by accident. So secluded there was only one way in, along a couple of hundred metres of narrow lane. Two way, but only one car at a time. There were cars all around us parked on slopes, in cul de sacs, anywhere a car could fit. We had to watch one or two cars leaving to believe that it was the only way out as well as in. One resident, delayed while we manoeuvred our car into a very tight spot, expressed Gallic disapproval. After parking the car, we had a glace in a bar and thought about where we might stay tonight.

Although Sisteron is halfway between Huez and Antibes, there was no highly rated accommodation available there, so we booked at  Chambrieres, an hour down the N85, past Digne le Bains. We walked up to the Citadel but decided not to pay to go in. Since we had to get to Chambrieres it was time to get moving.

Good hotel here at Chambrieres, but wiffee is so slow I have to give up for now. The website used to log in displayed in English! French law requires you to provide an email address. The site must have taken note of the .au in the obsolete address I provided. Cool.

Dramatic location of Sisteron centre. Huge citadel above dominates the narrow entrance to the valley. Somehow they shoehorned a four lane motorway through there too, on the opposite side of the river.

We are definitely back in the South now. Drier country, warmer weather, terra cotta roofs. Lavender.

Sisteron, from the Citadel
Hotel Relais du Chambrieres, close to the N85, about 1 metre away. Quiet though, with the window closed. Fragrance of lavender in the foyer as we checked in (spray can?). Food was good too. Not a word of English was spoken. I’m glad we learned some French 50 years ago, in high school.