We had a coffee at the cafe near the Mairie in Arudy and watched life go by for a while, found La Poste for some stamps. Bagneres de Luchon looked like a good place to go to next. It has an illustrious record of involvement with the Tour de France, since 1910, most recently in stages 16 and 17 this year. It took only a couple of hours to get there. Anne was happy to look around Luchon for a couple of hours while I went over the Peyresourde and Col d’Aspin in the car.
But first, a late lunch. One place had jambon and fromage sandwiches (ham and cheese in half a baguette, a French staple) on the menu. But no fromage sandwiches. Anne wanted cheese only. Nous voudrons deux sandwiches avec fromage seulement. C’est possible? Non. OK, perhaps the sandwiches are pre-made. Alors, nous aurons deux sandwichs au jambon et fromage. We watched him make the two sandwiches, inserting the ham into each one. We later did the ham transplant between Anne’s and mine and we were all happy.
I drove over the two cols and got back shortly before 6pm. It was quite a long drive.
We checked into the Patio de Luchon. Jean-Francois showed us our room.
Unfortunately the wiffee was useless. We didn’t mention it in our review though in Booking.com. Je-F was such a nice and helpful guy you just wouldn’t. Nobody else did either, in the reviews I read.