Day 25, Thursday, Berlin

I went for the bathroom as soon as I woke, up, but Maren was already in there. I solved my most pressing issue in the grassy backyard, got organised, and used the bathroom once it was available. Then we said goodbye and thanks, and I headed for the Hauptbahnhof. I had plenty of time, so I walked there. En route, I again felt the need for a comfort stop, and was looking forward to finding the station. Just then, I found a public toilet, which solved that problem.

Continue reading “Day 25, Thursday, Berlin”

Day 24, Wednesday, Munich

Up early this morning to reorganise my stuff again, this time into things that are going to Berlin and things that will be left at Munich Airport. Essentially, the bag that I used every night and carried in the top box is coming with me to Berlin, less a few items, plus a few items.

Breakfast was very good. The orange juice came from a machine and was ersatz, but they had granola with lumps of chocolate, and rolls with prosciutto cotto, which helped compensate for the OJ. Then I looked out of the window for the first time this morning. Clear sky, and the mountains lit by the morning sun. Almost 3 dimensional. Well, of course they are 3 dimensional, but they stood  out in such clear relief. So Cortina is a ski town after all. I could see the ski runs and lifts, visible today in the sun.

Continue reading “Day 24, Wednesday, Munich”

Day 23, Tuesday, Cortina D’Ampezzo

This morning I was surprised to wake as late as 07:40. I was first at breakfast at 08:10. A table was laid for me, and a larger table for 7. So I wasn’t the only guest after all. The elderly woman was serving breakfast, and offered me coffee, Italian style or latte. I took the latte, without thinking. Breakfast here was OK, but not outstanding. At checkout I learned that it was not even included. He said he would charge me cinquanta instead of quaranta otto, OK? Sure, the brekky was well worth €2. 

Continue reading “Day 23, Tuesday, Cortina D’Ampezzo”

Day 22, Monday, Colle Santa Lucia

Breakfast at BnB Casa Rossa was in the living room, on a table laid for 3 people, next to the grand piano. Very nice house. The other 2 people, a young couple from a village near Modena, showed up soon after. They had good English. No prosciutto, so I had to make do with cherry jam on my rolls, but it was good cherry jam! Apparently they don’t have good internet in the village near Modena either. Even Italy doesn’t seem to have good internet in out-of-the-way places.

Then I set off for nearby Strigno, since it was the starting point for today’s planned ride to the ski resort of Cortina D’Ampezzo. Doubtless the name was the inspiration for the Ford Cortina of yesteryear. I set Zumo for Castello, to force him to use the minor road toward Agordo that featured in the map of best motorcycling roads in the Dolomites (and also, not coincidentally, in another site listing the most dangerous roads in Europe).

Continue reading “Day 22, Monday, Colle Santa Lucia”