I knew that the ½ litre of local wine with my dinner and the delicious dessert wine that arrived unbidden with my coffee (with an unbidden €4 on the bill) would wipe me out. All I want to do is go to sleep, but I do need to catch up, so here goes…(actually, I just couldn’t stay awake, and it’s now 5:30am on Sunday in Milan). Continue reading “Day 05, Friday, Ardenno”
Day 04, Thursday, Schwangau
Today was interesting. Up early again, organised everything into stuff that would be packed on the bike and other stuff to be left behind in the suitcase. At the railway station in time to catch an earlier train to Erding. First problem, the ticket machine said my debit card was invalid! It had worked in a similar machine at the airport. I tried the credit card, same. Machine took €5 and €10 notes but by this time I had only €50 notes. Continue reading “Day 04, Thursday, Schwangau”
Day 03, Wednesday, Munich
This morning it was foggy. It’s not even officially Autumn yet. In the fog I found the missing shopping centre and the backerei therein. Here in Munich, at least, they do a great line in ham and cheese rolls. The bread is better than at home, and I’ve lived on them for two days now. While waiting for 6am to arrive I realised that BMW is here. At 9am I called them, and was told that all today’s tours were booked out, but they kept 30 places each morning. I decided to try to be one of the chosen 30 if I could, and arrived at the BMW factory at Olympic Zentrum just after 10am. Continue reading “Day 03, Wednesday, Munich”
Day 02, Tuesday, Munich
I got up at 6am this morning. Easy when your body thinks it’s 2pm. Still dark. Off to the Deutsches Museum, after a few hours spent on emails and looking for a shopping centre the BnB host directed me to that I never found. It has stopped raining! Continue reading “Day 02, Tuesday, Munich”