Day 20, Thursday, Neum

The overnight parking cost $100 PER BIKE! Should have asked, I guess.

Another day, another country. Today, Bosnia and Herzegovina. An apartment in Neum, Bosnia’s only town on the Adriatic.

Poached eggs for brekky on the waterfront.
Weather over the Adriatic looks ominous.
Fish market
Four of the same outfit as last night. Harmony sounded great in the cathedral. We didn’t buy the CD.
Lunch at a grill in Makaska, about halfway to Neum.
Dalmation coast looks like Great Ocean Road or perhaps Big Sur.
View from our balcony in Neum.


Day 19, Wednesday, Split

I love Split, or at least the 0.25 sq km  adjacent to the Marina where we stayed, about 100m from the Cathedral of St Domnius. Paved in limestone polished over centuries, full of restaurants, shops and people.

It was extremely windy as we left Senj. The sea looked like octopus ink, flecked with white waves, as did the sky.

The nice lady in Senj put on a smashing breakfast, and did our washing.

We decided to climb the escarpment to escape the endless development and 50k speed limits on the Dalmation Coast. The “real” Croatia inland is more rural, more decrepit but the main road to Split was excellent.

Time to don waterproofs.
Crepes and cappuccino for lunch. It was freezing outside at 700m.

We decided to go all the way to Split, since we had our waterproofs on. It became very wet nearer to Split, but much warmer, then finally cleared.

I’m in there somewhere. Arcade between the vehicle park and the cathedral square. The apartment was impossible to locate using Google or Here maps. The owner met us in the square and guided us through the labyrinthine alleys. He must have done that for all his guests. We dropped breadcrumbs to find our way back when we went to dinner.
In the square. It really came to life later on.
  1. Don perusing the menu at the restaurant we ended up dining at.

  1. We checked that the bikes were still OK in the very public parking at the marina. We left nothing on the bikes except two locks each.

    Croatian folk songs for an appreciative audience singing along.
Lanes, squares with restaurants. I like here better than Venice.
I sometimes miss during the night too.
With live music and waiters serving drinks the square burst into life after dinner. People dancing, wonderful atmosphere.

Tomorrow, Bosnia Herzegovina.