Day 18, Tuesday, Senj

We rode from Ljubljana down minor roads to the Croatian coast at Bakarac. Calamari and chips for lunch.

Rental for apartments on the Dalmation Coast is out of control. We had to pay €36 for a 2 bedroom villa in Senj. 

We walked down to the port for dinner. Seafood and chips, and a gelato.





Day 17, Monday, Ljubljana

Breakfast in Italy, lunch in Austria, dinner in Slovenia. We left Venice and after the usual comedy of errors involving 3 motorcyclists looking for petrol, we lunched in Arnoldstein, Austria, so Donny could visit Austria, then rode over a pass into Podkoren, Slovenia and bought our one week vignettes allowing us access to the tollways. Then into Ljubljana to meet our apartment host, a super nice guy, as was our waiter at the restaurant he recommended. I like Slovenia already.

Lost in Ljubljana. After two large beers in a bar by the river and a third share in 2 litres of excellent house white in a Slovenian restaurant, we found our way back to our apartment 1.5km away. A feat of inebriated navigation matched only in Nice 2 weeks ago. I have even learned to spell Ljubljana, and pronounce it. It’s a lovely place.

English is the second language here and the English language TV has Slovenian subtitles, perfect.

We booked our ferry passage from Dubrovnik to Bari on Friday night. Our host Andraz introduced us to Splitwise, an app to account for expenditure amongst a group if people. Perfect.


Day 15, Saturday, Venice

Should have skipped that second coffee at breakfast.
On my favourite road  of the whole trip, the SS347 from Primiero san Martino di Castrozza to Agordo.

My salad in the village of Follina was great but Don’s Caesar salad lacked egg, bacon and anchovies.
We parked our
We parked at San Marco, organised our possessions, locked everything we could to the bikes. Only cars here, where are all the other bikes?
We set out for the apartment. gave us the wrong address for the apartment in Cannaregio. We got it straightened out eventually.
Nearest canal is metres from our building. Our own personal jetty.

View from upstairs bedroom
On the Waterfront.
8€ capuccino in Piazza san Marco at 10pm after the crowd thins out. Two bands playing.